Photo Policy Disclaimer
完成报名手续即表示家长和监护人确认并同意,康涅狄格中文语言学院 (CCLA) 可以将公开表演(如大礼堂的表演)、户外体育活动、体育馆活动、聚餐等场合期间拍摄的孩子的照片和视频用于宣传和教育目的。这些用途包括但不限于 CCLA 网站、社交媒体平台和印刷材料。如果您有任何疑虑或希望选择退出,请直接与我们联系。
By completing the registration process, parents and guardians acknowledge and agree that the Connecticut Chinese Language Academy (CCLA) may use photos and videos of their children taken during public performances (such as performances in the auditorium), outdoor sports activities, gymnasium activities, and gatherings for promotional and educational purposes. These uses include but are not limited to the CCLA website, social media platforms, and printed materials. If you have any concerns or wish to opt out, please contact us directly.
Photo Policy Disclaimer
完成报名手续即表示家长和监护人确认并同意,康涅狄格中文语言学院 (CCLA) 可以将公开表演(如大礼堂的表演)、户外体育活动、体育馆活动、聚餐等场合期间拍摄的孩子的照片和视频用于宣传和教育目的。这些用途包括但不限于 CCLA 网站、社交媒体平台和印刷材料。如果您有任何疑虑或希望选择退出,请直接与我们联系。
By completing the registration process, parents and guardians acknowledge and agree that the Connecticut Chinese Language Academy (CCLA) may use photos and videos of their children taken during public performances (such as performances in the auditorium), outdoor sports activities, gymnasium activities, and gatherings for promotional and educational purposes. These uses include but are not limited to the CCLA website, social media platforms, and printed materials. If you have any concerns or wish to opt out, please contact us directly.